How Kidney specialist Hospital in Mumbai can help you?

Kidney disease is an awful condition that prevents the patient from living a normal healthy life. An unhealthy kidney does not allow the toxins to be eliminated from the blood and accordingly, a pile of toxins may accumulate inside the body making the patient sick. Therefore, it is important to consult a Kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai and get diagnosed for the kidney disease.

Healthy kidney does one important job in the body, that they allow the toxins to be removed from the blood. But a diseased kidney can do more harm than good. When the filtering units inside them do not work properly, a pile of toxins may get accumulated inside the bloodstream making the patient feel sick. Hence, it is always necessary to let the kidneys function properly through a renal diet. By consulting, Kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai, you can get a dietary plan as per your health.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Kidney disease gets worse slowly over several years. It is the gradual loss of kidney function over time. Hence, when at the initials stages of damage, most patients ignore certain symptoms that appear in the body. But when kidney disease reaches a late stage, one or more of the following symptoms may appear in the body, including:

  • Persistent itching because of minerals loss
  • Muscle cramps especially at night
  • Swelling in the hands and feet
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Kidney disease make it difficult for you to sleep
  • Too much or too less pee than normal
  • Severe panting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Nosebleeds
  • Fizzy or sparkling urine

Having one or more above-mentioned signs can be a cause of some other health conditions in the body. Hence, a patient should consult a kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai to get it diagnosed for kidney disease.

Causes of kidney disease: -

Chronic kidney disease happens because of certain health conditions that affect the filtering unit of the kidney called glomeruli. Glomeruli are responsible for filtering out waste and toxins through the urine. When those health conditions damage glomeruli, the kidneys may have difficulty passing urine.

Such health conditions include:-

  • Blood pressure: High blood pressure means the heart is working rigidly to pump the blood leading to harm in the vessels inside the kidneys as well.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar level is another leading cause that damages the kidney and may lead the patient to kidney failure if you do not consult a kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai.
  • Genetic diseases: A family history plays an important role in kidney disease. Those with a family history of kidney disease are more at risk of having kidney failure.
  • Urinary tract infections: Any obstruction in the urinary tract infections causes the kidney to lose its function. This is caused because of certain bacteria that lodge inside the ureters.
  • Reduced blood flow to the kidneys: Kidneys need blood to eliminate toxins from the blood and in the absence of sufficient blood they may not perform excretion.

Treatment of kidney failure

When kidneys fail, doctors suggest dialysis and transplant to allow the toxin elimination when your kidneys cannot do it for you.

Dialysis is a surgical treatment that uses a machine to purify blood and can be performed either at home at the hospital. During dialysis blood can be cleaned inside or outside the body, depending upon the type of dialysis you choose. It is also important to note that dialysis cannot do everything that a healthy kidney can.

In a transplant, a healthy kidney from a donor is placed in the patients’ body. The kidney from a live person or deceased donor is used as a substitute. However, patients need to follow a lifetime antibiotics regimen to make the body adjustable to the new organ.

Both the treatments have advantage and disadvantage each. Many cases have also reported the risk of cardiovascular disease among the patients who opted for dialysis and transplant.

Ayurvedic medicines by Kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai

The best ayurvedic medicine treatment in Mumbai will allow the fluid to be removed from the body in a natural way. Unlike dialysis and transplant, the ayurvedic treatment will leave no effect on the body and imposes no risk. Herbal extracts like Kaasni, Punarnava, Shirish, Gokshuradi Guggulu, and others facilitate urine production so that toxins can be removed and prevent fluid from retaining inside the blood. The ayurvedic treatment works on improving the overall wellness of the human body and hence is widely accepted by the patients.

The benefits of ayurvedic medicines include:
  • They work on the underlying cause of the damage.
  • Prevent fluid from accumulating inside the kidneys.
  • Maintain blood pressure and blood sugar level.
  • Treat the damaged kidney cells.
  • Improve the working of other support systems as well.

Hence, it is no doubt that ayurvedic treatment is a way better solution to end kidney problems.

Conclusion by Karma Ayurveda

Karma Ayurveda is a renowned kidney care center in Delhi which offers ayurvedic medicines for kidney disease. The ayurvedic medicines are created keeping in mind the condition of the patient. Also, a diet plan by Doctor Puneet Dhawan helps improve the function of the kidney and prevents the kidney from losing its function. If you or anyone in your family needs ayurvedic treatment for restoring kidney’s health, then consult Kidney specialist hospital in Mumbai.

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