Reasons you should take Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment in Odisha

What is kidney failure?

Kidney failure is the last stage of chronic kidney disease in which the GFR drops down to 15 or less. When the kidney fails it means they have stopped working well in order for you to survive without treatment.

Our kidneys are composed of thousands of filtering units called glomeruli which actually cleanse the blood and purifies it. The waste that gets filtered is passed out from the blood into the urine. But when the glomeruli’s are damaged or injured they pass out everything that comes along with the blood causing fluid retention. The condition can be life-threatening for patients as it progresses to kidney failure if proper treatment is not taken. Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment in Odisha is the best alternative to restore the health of the kidney without having the need to depend on dialysis and transplant.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

You will not notice any symptoms in your body when your kidneys are moderately damaged. But in the late stages of chronic kidney disease, you may notice complications in the body because of fluid retention. These signs are:

  • Swelling in the body parts
  • Fizzy urine
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Taste bud changing
  • The frequency of urine changing
  • Blood in the urine
  • Trouble sleeping at night
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Difficulty catching breath
  • Nausea and vomiting

Ayurvedic chronic kidney disease treatment in Odisha offers Ayurvedic treatment to end all your kidney problems and eliminate symptoms of kidney failure from your body without taking dialysis and transplant.

Managing kidney disease or kidney failure

Along with the Ayurvedic treatment, there are certain things you can do to manage kidney failure in your life.

  • Your doctor would suggest you adopt a healthy lifestyle to minimize the burden on your kidney.
  • Practice yoga instead of rigorous exercise.
  • Cut down excess sugar from your life if you have uncontrolled blood sugar level.
  • Reduce intake of alcohol and drugs.
  • Quit smoking if you are habitual to it.
  • Avoid over the counter drugs.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Ask your doctor about a kidney-friendly diet.

Choosing Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment in Odisha

Ayurvedic treatment is the viable treatment to opt for when your kidneys are moderately damaged. Although dialysis and transplant are widely accepted, both have been proved life-threatening for some of the patients. Ayurveda has a number of herbs that work for kidney failure and these are:

  • Kaasni
  • Punarnava
  • Varunadi Vati
  • Gokshur
  • Palaash
  • Rakt Chandan
  • Chandraprabha Vati
  • Licorice
The Ayurvedic treatment is based on three fundamental principles that work on curing the damaged kidney, the underlying cause of kidney damage and rejuvenating the cells of the body. But taking Ayurvedic medicines, you can be assured of permanently eliminating the complications of kidney failure from your body.

From where to get the Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda kidney health center offers the best Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment in Odisha and surrounding states. Since 1937, Ayurveda kidney care has saved thousands of patients suffering from chronic and acute kidney disease with its herbal medicines. Doctor Puneet Dhawan is the fifth generation of his family who wants to bring Ayurvedic treatment in everyday lives while eliminating dialysis from medical science. If you want to improve the health of your kidney with herbs from nature, then consult Doctor Puneet Dhawan.

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